Running Start

What is Running Start?

Running Start is a 6-week summer bridge program for local high school students completing the 12th grade. Running Start provides services to students who may be financially and/or academically underprepared and who may not assess into college-level Math and English. There are 35 spots available each summer and students must go through an interview process to be selected.

What is the goal of the program?

The goal of the program is to assist students in making a smooth transition to college life. The Running Start Program will provide students the academic and tutorial support, and the financial assistance necessary to be a successful college student. In return, students provide the motivation and a strong work ethic.

Student responsibility:
  • Enroll in a College Success course (PD 100) and Chicano Studies (CHST 101)   
  • Attend school Monday – Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and Fridays are field trips 

Running Start will provide the following:
  • Tutoring and Peer Advising: Tuesdays & Thursdays for two hours 
  • Food vouchers for one meal per day on campus Tuesdays & Thursdays
  • Field trip/activities on Fridays
  • Students receive $400 per week upon completion of the program requirements 
  • Hybrid Schedule: Mondays & Wednesdays Remote/ Tuesdays & Thursdays in person 8am - 3pm/ Field Trips on Fridays

Running Start Application Process

Interested? Questions

Please contact Alisha to learn about the application process:
Alisha Sanchez - Student Program Advisor 

running start beach running start dodgers