Keller Magenau, Ph.D.

Keller Magenau
Keller Magenau, Ph.D.
Executive Director 
Institutional Research and Planning 
Administration Building, A-114
(805) 730-4781

I am a proud first-generation college student and product of the California community college system, and would not have been able to afford a college education otherwise. I went on to complete a Bachelor's degree in Liberal Arts for Educators at San Diego State University, and then a Master's and Ph.D. in sociolinguistics at Georgetown University.

I've been teaching and working in higher education since the mid-nineties, mostly in direct service and grants program management for educational access and equity programs. When I returned to California seven years ago after 25 years on the east coast,  I had one professional goal: to return to the system that transformed my own life in both concrete and immeasurable ways. So, I bring a personal lens, a qualitative researcher's eye, and a relentless focus on students to institutional research and planning.