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Learn how the SBCC grant strategy supports the college mission, and how to apply for institutional grants. See our current and past institutional grant projects.
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Applying for New Grants
If you are interested in applying for grant funding to support our students please learn more about the types of grants available below. For more info contact Rachel Johnson and the SBCC Foundation (
If you know of a need, but are not sure what grants are available, please contact Rachel Johnson and the SBCC Foundation ( to learn more.
Express interest in pursuing funding from private donors. Please complete these two forms (Funding Request, Budget Planning) and email them to Rachel Johnson (
Express interest in pursuing funding from Federal or State sources less than $100K
Express interest in pursuing funding from Federal or State sources more than $100K
Current Grants
Title V: La Experiencia en SBCC (The SBCC Experience)
Total Award: $2,998,651
Period: 10/1/2022 - 9/30/2027
Funding Agency: U.S. Dept. of Education
Project Director: TBD
SBCC is developing a project for this Title V grant competition that will assist more students – especially those who are Hispanic and low-income – in earning a degree through the development of an innovative first-year experience program and supporting activities, including professional development and mental health/social-emotional programming. These activities will help SBCC to improve metrics related to the success of its Hispanic student population. The FYE program will group students into cohorts (or houses) based on SBCC’s six Guided Pathways meta-majors. Key elements of La Experiencia en SBCC include support for student academic achievement and emotional well-being. All elements of the program design support first year students holistically. Key elements include culturally responsive and trauma-informed seminars and curriculum, multimodal assignments and assessment supported by a learning lab, and wrap-around student services, specifically designed to support LatinX and low-income students to succeed through their first year at SBCC, and beyond. This project is designed to provide ongoing support for students while also providing faculty with valuable training through on-campus workshops and travel to off-campus conferences related to FYE, equity, and student belonging.
Title V: Restructuring to Innovate for Student Excellence (RISE)
Total Award: $2,993,187
Period: 10/1/2021 - 9/30/2026
Funding Agency: U.S. Dept. of Education
Project Director: Dr. Melissa Menendez
This grant focuses on five components to support our Latina/o/x and low-income students:
- Develop a First-Year Experience program for first-generation, reentry, transfer, and continuing students who need support as they establish their own professional, educational, and personal goals.
- Professional Development for Student Services Staff and Faculty for Maximum Impact: offer training sessions and support for Student Services Staff and Faculty focusing on how to meet the needs of part-time, low-income, and other historically minoritized student populations.
- Professional Development and Faculty Support for Curriculum Redesign for Maximum Impact: develop a year long faculty training for those who will teach courses within the program focusing on engaging historically minoritized student populations to create a culture of student belonging in the classroom and within the larger campus communities.
- In collaboration with various Student Services departments and programs, develop strategies around enrollment, recruitment, financial literacy, retention, educational plans, and/or transfer pathways that accommodate part-time, low-income, and other historically minoritized student populations.
Other Institutional Grants
SCCRC-South Central Coast Regional Consortium
Total Award: $220,000/year since 2010,
Period: Renews annually
Funding Agency: CA Community Colleges Chancellor's Office (CCCCO)
Project Director: Luann Swanberg,
The SCCRC represents eight colleges of the region: SBCC, Cuesta College, Allan Hancock College, Ventura County Community College District, College of the Canyons and Antelope Valley College. The combined colleges serve approximately 100,000 students and offer a breadth of occupational programs in Accounting, Aeronautical and Aviation Technology, Business Management, Global Trade, Computer Technology, Health Sciences, Biotechnology, CISCO networking academies, Digital/Multimedia, Fire Technology, Auto Technology, Marine Diving Technology, Hotel and Restaurant Management, Horticulture, Exotic Animal Training and Management, Viticulture and Welding to name a few. The consortium is dedicated to advancing Career Technical Education in the region.
Deputy Sector Navigator-Global Trade and Logistics
Total Award: $200,000/yr,
Period: Renews annually
Funding Agency: CCCCO
Project Director: Julie Samson,
Deputy Sector Navigators (DSNs) are industry specialists that serve as in-region contacts for an identified industry sector, working with the region's colleges, employers, workforce investment boards and the community (high schools, adult schools/ ROPs). The DSNs create alignment around workforce training and career pathways to coordinate the delivery of training programs throughout the region. As regional intermediaries, they communicate sector related best practices to their region, promote sector related careers to K-14, identify stackable credentials, and foster faculty professional development in alignment with industry needs.
Student Equity and Achievement: The Student Equity and Achievement Program was established by the CA legislature that was created in support of the California Community Colleges in advancing the systemwide goal to boost achievement for all students with an emphasis on eliminating achievement gaps for students from traditionally underrepresented groups. In 2018, the SEA program was established and consolidated funding for three initiatives: Basic Skills Initiative, Student Equity, and the Student Success and Support Program. The SEA Program is the Chancellor’s Office effort to make it easier for institutions to fund the initiatives that these three previous programs/funding sources were trying to encourage and develop, with a strong focus on equity initiatives.
California Adult Education Program (CAEP): Santa Barbara Adult Education Consortium (SBAEC)
Total Award: $6,547,798.00 since 2016 / 2022-2023 $912,536.00,
Period: Renews Annually
Funding Agency: CCCCO and the California Department of Education
Program Director: Corlei Prieto,
This program is an effort supported by recent state legislation (AB104 and AB86), designed to align, leverage and expand tuition-free instructional and programmatic services to ensure adult learners enrolled in local programs move along established pathways to achieve optimum levels of literacy, post-secondary transition and employment in the workforce. The Consortium includes representatives from local educational agencies, the Workforce Development Board and local industry partners.
SBAEC supports educational opportunities offered to adult learners in the following programs:
- Adult Basic and Secondary Education (ABE/ASE) - Elementary and secondary skills, including programs leading to a high school diploma or equivalency certificate.
- Adults Training for Child School Success (ATCSS) - Programs for adults, including but not limited to, older adults that are primarily designed to develop knowledge and skills to assist elementary and secondary-aged children to succeed academically in school.
- Adults with Disabilities (AWD) - Programs for adults with disabilities.
- Career Technical Education (CTE) - Programs in career technical education that are short term in nature and have high employment potential. This includes Pre-Apprenticeship (Pre-App) -
- Programs offering pre-apprenticeship training activities conducted in coordination with one or more apprenticeship programs; and Education for Older Adults/Workforce (EOA/Workforce) -
- Programs for adults, including but not limited to, older adults that are primarily related to entry or reentry into the workforce.
- English as a Second Language (ESL) - Programs for immigrants inclusive of citizenship, English as a second language and workforce preparation.
Note: Previously known as the Adult Education Block Grant Program, the 2018-2019 Budget Act changed to reflect that these funds are apportionment, not a block grant. The new program name beginning July 1, 2019 became the California Adult Education Program.
MESA: Established over 40 years ago, the California Community College Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement (MESA) Programs serve financially and educationally disadvantaged students seeking majors in math and science based fields.
Perkins IV: The California State Plan for Career Technical Education, approved in March 2008 by both the State Board of Education and the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges, establishes the vision, goals, and essential elements of a world-class career technical education system for the State of California. The State Plan presents a vision for CTE that is both broad and bold, placing the requirements for federal Carl D. Perkins funding within this larger context.
Veteran's Support: The objective of the Veterans' Support Program is to provide information and assistance to veterans and dependents of veterans eligible for Veterans Educational Assistance. SBCC academic counseling, career, transfer, tutorial and other services are part of SBCC's mission to offer eligible program participants support to achieve their educational goals.
Past Grants
Title V: Student-Ready: Degree Completion for the Flexible Learner
Total Award: $2,702,696
Period: 10/1/2017 - 9/30/2022
Funding Agency: U.S. Dept. of Education
Project Director: Joshua Ramirez,
This grant focuses on five components to support our Flex Students:
- Pathways and Support for Flexible Students: SBCC will utilize internal and external research in addition to focus groups to gain a clear picture of the needs of flexible students. This information will be used to create programs specific to their needs.
- Professional Development and Faculty Support for Curriculum Redesign for Maximum Impact: SBCC will utilize best practices in working with underserved populations to create a culture of flexible student belonging on campus through extensive faculty professional development.
- The Creation of a College for Working Adults program.
- Educational plans and transfer pathways that accommodate a part-time schedule.
- Student Learning support including tutoring and supplemental instruction designed for the flexible student.
Title III: Removing the Barriers to STEM
Total Award: $5,320,371
Period: 10/1/2016 - 9/30/2022
Funding Agency: U.S. Dept. of Education
Co-Project Directors: Dr. Elizabeth Imhof, and Bronwen Moore,
Santa Barbara City College has developed an innovative project called Removing Barriers to STEM Success for this Title III Part F competition. It includes a comprehensive non-cognitive professional development program that weaves through three components: math acceleration and course redesign; Supplemental Instruction; and articulation and transfer.
Currently and Formerly Incarcerated Students Reentry Program Grant
Total Award: minimum award of $113,636 over the 2.5 year period (exact award amount
has not yet been determined)
Project Directors: Paloma Arnold and Noel Gomez
Period: 7/1/2019 - 12/31/2021
Funding Agency: CCCCO
This grant aims to develop and support programs serving formerly incarcerated students enrolled in California Community college and/or currently incarcerated students enrolled in community college classes. Services supported through this grant are aimed at providing the foundation of the four pillars of guided pathways including development of job skills, attainment of certificate and/or Associate’s degree, and/or transfer to a four-year university for this population. At SBCC, this grant will support, enhance and expand the existing EOPS Transitions Program, which was developed in 2008, and serves to help current and formerly incarcerated students gain access to higher education; understanding that education is one of the most successful tools against recidivism.
Santa Barbara County Multi-Campus College Student Food Insecurity Planning Project
Total Award: $35,000
Project Director(s): Prof. Cynthia Toms, PI (Westmont College) and Prof. Adam Green,
Grant Period: 09/01/2018 - 8/31/2020
Funding Agency: United States Department of Agriculture - National Institute for Food
and Agriculture
This planning project will assess the effectiveness of current efforts to alleviate food insecurity and undertake a needs assessment to determine both common challenges and campus-specific issues at SBCC, UCSB, and Allan Hancock College. Student research assistants at each campus will collect data on the efficacy of existing efforts and needs-assessment information, using surveys (900 from three campuses), interviews (40 per campus), and focus groups (minimum 5 per campus). Student fellows at Westmont College will analyze the data and assist in developing a final report. The ultimate goal is for this project is to direct the subsequent implementation of a far-reaching and effective system to help food-insecure students access needed resources, become more self-sufficient, and eventually become food-secure.
Basic Skills and Student Outcomes Transformation Grant: Supplemented Assisted Learning
Total Award: $1,498,850 Period: 7/1/2016 - 12/31/2019 Funding Agency: CCCCO
Project Director: Bronwen Moore, and Sheila Wiley,
Faculty Leads: Bronwen Moore, Pam Guenther, Sheila Wiley, Anita Cruse, Elizabeth Imhof,
Barbara Bell, Dolores Howard, Robin Goodnough, Merit Ter Mate-Martinsen
We have a complex issue that is shared across community colleges: for many English, Math and ESL students the course sequences are far too long. This daunting picture results in students dropping out at various exit points, or the “leaky pipe syndrome.” Therefore, the question is, how do we minimize the leaks in the pipeline? How do we increase student success in our content area courses and in our CTE programs? How do we increase student engagement, providing the tools necessary for them to learn? How do we help them develop a mindset that will result in persistence? The answer—to implement a basic skills course and supplemental instruction model designed with a contextualized curriculum that is directly relevant to students' life experiences and CTE and educational goals. These models will lead to significantly higher success and completion rates as student reach goals that they previously viewed as unattainable.
CTE Enhancement Fund: Governor Brown signed the 2014-15 budget which “provided on a one-time basis to create greater incentive for California Community Colleges to develop, enhance, retool, and expand quality career technical education offerings that build upon existing community college regional capacity to respond to regional labor market needs.”
Title V: iPath to Success
Total Award: $2,707,812 Period: 10/1/2014 - 9/30/2019 Funding Agency: U.S. Dept. of Education
Project Director: Priscilla Mora,
Faculty Leads: Vanessa Olguin, Thomas Carrasco
iPath To Success: Increase the success, progression, degree completion and transfer rates of Hispanic and other low-income students by providing structured curriculum pathways.