Nicole Oldendick, M.S.

Nicole Oldendick
Nicole Oldendick, M.S.
Researcher, Career Education
Administration Building, A-114
(805) 892-3723

I have a bachelor's degree in history from UCSB, a master of public administration from CSUN, and a post-baccalaureate certificate in applied statistics from CSU East Bay. I consider myself a lifelong learner; Whenever I feel a lull in my day-to-day, my first instinct is to enroll in college courses. I have worked in the California community college system for over ten years.

I started my community college career in student services, which is where I developed an interest in institutional research. The interest turned into a passion, and I am grateful to now work in the IR field where I can in-turn assist both academic and student service departments in ensuring that the college is a responsible and caring facilitator for the transformative power of education on both the individual and community levels.